19 May 2016

Imam Mahadi Sudah Lahir?


Baru-baru ni aku sekat dalam conversation pasal Imam Mahadi. Gementar pun ada jugak. Anyway, ni nak share some conversation piece on the matter:

Ada orang kata Imam Mahadi Melayu.... I have read somewhere .... Bani Ta Mim kononnya. Also read that he will be born when a river dries... somewhere in Turkey or Syria... somewhere there.... I cannot remember the name. Anyway, that particular river dried up in 1975 because of some dam construction I think. 

So if he has been born, he would be around the age of 40 by now if we follow the Islamic calendar; and it was said that he will only know that he is Imam Mahadi at the age when Nabi Muhammad got his first revelation. Which means..... he himself probably just found out or about to find out that he is that messiah sometime in 2016. 

You can see all other signals Qiamat happening - eg. Middle East is already in a World War 3 mode when USA, Russia as well as China have already sent troops, etc. Also, aeroplanes are falling down everywhere. The latest one was an Egyptian plane that crashed yesterday. Then we have the tsunamia and the earthquakes. 

We can also see the prophecy of a Habshi ruling Rome (a metaphore for an African ruling the Western power).... i.e. Obama in the USA. We can also see Bedouins building tall buildings and many more. So we are close. Wallaualam.

* kopihangtuah

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