"Global warming is not only the number one environmental challenge we face today, but one of the most important issues facing all of humanity. We all have to do our part to raise awareness about global warming and the problems we as a people face in promoting a sustainable environmental future for our planet" - Leonardo DiCaprio

Title: The 11th Hour
Type: Documentary
Focus: Save the Planet
Year: 2007
Length: 1 hour 32 minutes
Host & Narrator: Leonardo DiCaprio
Producers: Leonardo DiCaprio
Association with: Warner Independence Pictures
Directors: Leila Conners Petersen & Nadia Conners

lobal warming is not only the number one environmental challenge we face today, but one of the most important issues facing all of humanity. We all have to do our part to raise awareness about global warming and the problems we as a people face in promoting a sustainable environmental future for our planet - that was the inspiring words of the producer of this documentary, Leonardo DiCaprio, an actor with clear conscience. Humans, with their technological advancement are destroying Earth. Destroying the World they live in. Destroying Nature. Eventually, they destroy mankind. They chart their own extinction. They dig their own grave. Inevitable? Not really. They have the power to undo the course of evolution. An evolution that is derived from the actions of Humans themselves. In their dreams, their future generations are screaming "What are you doing?" but they ignore. Ignorance in the name of money and wealth that are not sustainable.

We (Humans) used to only depend on current energy. What is current energy? Resources that derive life from the Sun. From the Sun, comes light. From light comes vegetation, water, animals and everything that are contained in this planet we call Earth. We used to consume resources only to the extent provided by the Sun. With technology, uncovered by Humans, we now consume energy far beyond that provided by the current Sun. We now consume energy from ancient energy from Sun billions of years ago trapped in a form of hydro-carbon fossil fuels. No wonder our (Humans) population is at 7 billion. If it was only energy from the current Sun, our population would have been maintained at less than 1 billion, a sustainable figure supportable by current energy.

How does the technology made consumption of ancient energy possible? With the discovery of fossil fuels, Humans are able to expand their activities further. They can travel farther with various types of transportation that live on fossil fuels. They can travel deep out in the ocean to catch more fish. They can produce more electricity from various power plants. They can grow more from agriculture activities. All of these lead to various other technological advancements such as biotech, medical, mass-production, mass distribution, news and information networking. All of which that made it possible for more Humans to survive causing a surge and exponential growth of the population from less than 1 billion to 7 billion in the last 100 years. The entire Human civilisation prosper until they become the leaders on Earth (perhaps at the expense of nature itself?). The fossil fuel industry is so wealthy that they become powerful, far powerful than the politicians rendering the peoples' voices (via politicians) unheard - those who love mother Earth gets ignored.
Global Warming as God's warning to Mankind. A warning that punishment awaits for those who have sinned. Who have sinned? Humanity have sinned. We have sinned,... to mother Earth

Such advancement in Human civilisation has its consequences. Global warming and climate change are the most apparent ones. After 200 years of industrial revolution, Human civilisation has magnified itself in the ecology. It is as if what we have now is Humans vs Nature. Temperature has risen quite dramatically. We have wildfires everywhere. The ice cap in the arctic are melting by the day. Floods destroying many lives. Tornados. Hurricanes like the one in New Orleans in 2005. Earthquakes. Tsunamis. With all these continuing, planet Earth may end up like its sister planet, Venus, with temperature of 250 Celsius and sulfur gas in the air which is not liveable by Humans.

Some choose not to believe in this fear called "Global Warming". The thing is, Global Warming is not a religion. It is not the question of whether one believes or not. It is a matter of facts that requires responsible actions by Humans. These facts (scientific evidence of Global Warming) are supportable by findings by many scientists. The United Nations conducted the World's biggest Global Warming research involving 1,300 scientists from various countries across the globe. All these scientists agree on a consensus that Global Warming is very real. Regardless of religion, Global Warming presents to us signals that we ought to open our eyes. If religion is indeed to be inserted into the equation, take Global Warming as God's warning to Mankind. A warning that punishment awaits for those who have sinned. Who have sinned? Humanity have sinned. We have sinned,... to mother Earth. No wonder God, via His prophets, forewarned armgeddon. Are we facing armageddon soon? We may, if we don't do anything.
The cost of putting back oxygen into the air is USD35 trillion per annum. That is the value of service trees and forests are giving Humanity free-of-charge! Sum of all the countries' Gross Domestic Product is only USD18 trillion. Indeed nature is 2 times more wealthy than Humans, in its capability to operate Earth

We (Humans) have taken too much, too frequent, too fast, too irresponsibly and we have not given anything back. In fact we have dumped too much, too frequent, too fast and too irresponsibly back to nature. We have polluted the sea, the air, the rivers and many more, some at huge proportions such as oil spills. Studies have showed that seafood now contains dangerous level of chemicals such as mercury to the extent that seafood becomes dangerous if consumed in large proportion. It is believed that it can cause cancer. We (Humans) continue to fish. We have so far consumed 90% of the ocean dwellers. Seafood will become extinct. Even if there are some left, it'll probably be dangerous to eat them.

At least 7 countries have already lost 100% of forests. The United States of America (US) has lost 90% of its forests. Forests are nature's way of managing water. Trees absorb gallons of water. purifies it and returns water back to Earth in a manageable manner in the aquifers. The water from aquifers flows naturally at manageable speed back into rivers and the sea. If you cut the trees, you are taking away this magnificent mechanics of nature for water management. With no trees, you have nothing to absorb water. The water are dirty with nothing to purify it. It returns back to the sea disasterously through floods that destroy lives and properties. Truly, industrial civilisation is taking away nature from us. The worse and worst thing that can happen is, we (Humans) are not doing anything. Scientists and economists have together estimated that the cost of putting back oxygen into the air is USD35 trillion per annum. That is the value of service trees and forests are giving Humanity free-of-charge! Sum of all the countries' Gross Domestic Product is only USD18 trillion. Indeed nature is 2 times more wealthy than Humans, in its capability to operate Earth. We cannot afford to replace nature, at least economically as proven.
We forget the power of love. If we apply love appropriately, we can save the Earth. Save the Planet, and we will save Humanity. We will save Ourselves.
50,000 species of animals extinct every year. Since Humans are at the top of the food chain, when we extinct, majority of animals would probably have extinct. What a shame that will be given that we (Humans) are an infant species. We must act now! Energy is the key solution. We have to find ways for sustainable development. As mentioned earlier, our capability to harvest ancient energy is the cause of Global Warming. Hence, that very action ought to be where the solution is. Scientists have come out with many methods of sustainable energy generation - Renewable Energy! - e.g. wind, hydro and solar. At this 11th hour, we face our own extinction? or do we save ourselves from extinction? Not only we are at the 11th hour, we are at the 11th hour 59th minute 59th second. We need to change. We are capable to change. We forget the power of love. If we apply love appropriately, we can save the Earth. Save the Planet, and we will save Humanity. We will save Ourselves.
* kopihangtuah| mcmlxxv:viii:xxix |
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