Referring to the website- http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2015/03/what-isis-really-wants/384980/ , I am interested in your view as to whether it could be true that ISIS is true Islam and everybody else is following wrong teaching? Or do you think the US and Israelis made this up?
ISIS is not true Islam. Israel is known to have done anything they want. I do not trust them at all man. USA is just a puppet for Israel. Billions of USD tax payers money goes to Israel. That is enough to raise doubts.
US aid to Israel you are right except that it is trillions not billions. But what you probably don't know is that Egypt gets very close to the same amount. How can you be so sure of who is in your good books when you may not have all the facts?
How can you be so sure?
I am not sure! That's the point! But I am not making definitive statements on Facebook or Twitter either!
Well I am making statements about the death of those innocent kids in Palestine, Syria, etc.
Yes. Nothing wrong with stating the fact that lots of innocents are dying. It's the conspiracy stuff that I keep finding amusing. How can you be so certain that what you are reposting on social media is true? Or do you not mind if you repost things that turn out to be false?
I read the article. Too long. Interesting but contains too many misconceptions that not only confuse Muslims but non Muslims too. Inaccurate conclusions on Muhammad, Quran and Islam as interpretations were cherry picked such as Islam allows slavery and concubines and such, instead of digested as a whole. I will tell you the whole story about the Great Lie of End of Times that specifically refers to ISIS and the 666.
Agree it is long. I have never read the whole Quran either, which is why I wanted your view. To be clear, ISS do believe that Islam and the Prophet allows slavery and concubines, etc. They have said so many times in their videos and speeches by leaders. So that part is not controversial. What was new to me is that a religious reading of the Quran supports this view. And according to them if you don't agree then you are khufir (non-believer) just like me.
I will tell you in what context certain things in Quran have been taken wrongly by this ISIS and why I think Israel and USA is involved. However, my explanation does not involve empirical evidence. It involves certain prophecies by Prophet Muhammad regarding ISIS. It is a matter of my spiritual believe.... that is why I am reluctant to have a conversation with you because you only accept empirical evidence based arguments whereas mine is based on my faith.
Okay. If it is belief then that's fine. No need to explain, you are right. Hard for me to understand those kind of answers but will accept them. This is not an inquisition. I am just trying to understand.
You want to understand whether ISIS is Islamic? Ok I will make it short and sweet. Referring to the article condemning Muslims at the link- http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2015/03/what-isis-really-wants/384980/ , Firstly, did the Quran say "Kill Non Muslims" and take infidels as slaves and concubines? Quran made references to prisoners of war becoming slaves and concubines. That was the "tradition" globally that time. Over the 22 years of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) perfecting Islam via revelations from Allah, the Almighty God, he has progressively released slaves and abolished slavery and the practice of keeping concubines. This was not appreciated by many Islamophobias who also often cherry picked phrases in Quran making it halal to kill non Muslims in the wrong context. If the Quran is read in totality, it condemns killing others, Muslims or Non Muslims. In fact, it promotes prisoners of war to do beneficial stuff like teaching Muslim kids about science, maths, etc. Yes Quran says kill those who intrudes Islam as a means of defence. The ISIS and Al-Qaeda got it all wrong. I honestly believe the Islam that ISIS embrace is a false one. This misconception by ISIS has been amplified by the End of Days prophecy, which is my second point. End of Days basically have a few components that strongly influences the Muslims to believe in the prophecy. The components are: [i. 666 or Dajjal will cause chaos to Earth. ii. The Messiah Imam Mahadi will lead the Muslims to fight Dajjal. iii. Jesus Christ will come down from the Heavens to lead the Muslims working with Imam Mahadi.] The ISIS believes that we are now in the era of End of Days. Armageddon is coming. Therefore they conclude that the superpowers that are controlling new world order has to be Dajjal. Hence USA and Israel marked. Many signs match what is happening such as the geographical area of war, names of cities as well as specific events. When small prophecies come true, it is easy to conclude the ultimate prophecy. Personally I do not know whether I should conclude whether USA and Israel are not Dajjal. They are indeed super powers that are trying to control Middle East, i.e. the Muslims. This warrants discussion in my third point, "Why is ISIS using Islam as the reference if they are not Islamic?" The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) also prophesised that during the End of Days there will be a false caliphate that uses Islam as a weapon to cause chaos and that the caliph will go by the name that refers to geographical locations and will be using a black flag. This caliph and his army will work to benefit the Dajjal whether or not he realises it or whether or not orchestrated by Dajjal. This is a prophecy well known to many Muslims particularly Ahli Sunnah Wal-Jamaah (Sunni). I am a Sunni. I have studied enough to conclude spiritually and empirically that the prophecy of false caliph has manifested it self..... the ISIS! They carry Black flag with Allah on it. They use names of places as Surname, like Al- Baghdadi, and they cause chaos that contravenes all Islamic teachings, be it misinterpretation of the Quran or simply barbaric activities as what you see on TV now. They may or may not do it on purpose but based on my points above, looks like it is happening, i.e. not embracing Quran in its divine purpose thoroughly but rather in cherry picked destructive ways. Finally why would Muslims believe that USA and Israel is the Dajjal? In accordance to the prophecy by Prophet Muhammad as well as some phrases in the Quran, Dajjal works in many ways. He has the false prophet or false caliph as mentioned earlier. He also has his own army called Yakjuj Makjuj or better known as Gog and Magog in the Bible. The prophecy also says that Yahudi will assist Dajjal. Now USA and Israel may fall under any of those categories, i.e. false prophet, or Yakjuj Makjuj or Yahudi, or even Dajjal himself. I do not know. But all of those are simply referred to as the Dajjal, the negative force. When you see USA and Israel army drop bombs onto Iraq, Syria, Palestine and interfere with the Governments of Egypt, Iran, Afghanistan, Indonesia and many more Muslim countries, it is quite easy to relate back to the prophecy. If there is a believe that USA and Israel is the Dajjal, or one of his arms, it is easy to conclude that ISIS is that false caliph working with Dajjal. What more with many whistleblowing of ISIS not doing Islamic acts like killings, etc, and the fact that not once have ISIS attacked Israel. Mind you, ISIS is also killing many Muslims especially Shiites in the name of Sunni. Very twisted. I mentioned Yahudi. The name Yahudi is commonly used by Arabs when referring to Israelies. Not accurate actually. Yahudi should be referred to when addressing Zionists. Zionists are the ones controlling what Israel and USA do. They control the majority of the congressmen in USA. You can see now how a Muslim such as me, who are against killings, etc, coupled by prophecies by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) on the false caliph, tend to conclude that ISIS is unIslamic and an extension of the Dajjal, whose description best befitting the super powers such as USA, Israel any other military powers that has been attacking Middle East since the longest time? The Dajjal is prophesised to have the cunningness to control the world and people's mind and the Muslims were warned by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) that the Dajjal will lie the biggest lie to humanity. Cunningness and lie means deception. Humanity may think that Dajjal is working for goodness of life but he has hidden agendas. That biggest lie was explained by the Prophet to be the lie on Muslims. For example, the war on Iraq for having weapons of mass destruction that was subsequently concluded as false. UN allowing Israel to destroy and occupy land of Palestine that does not belong to the Israelites. I can write a separate long article about the Palestinian invasion but not here. My point is, these are my religious believes via the Prophet's prophecies. You can now understand why I find it facinating to know about Freemasons, the New World Order and such. If you had studied all this from history, you can see how the New World Order has moved from the UK in the 40's, then to USA now and finally, yet to happen, as prophesised by the Prophet, to Greater Israel, an empire that is in production now. So, if you ask me why I conclude that USA and Israel.... as well as ISIS, cannot be trusted, I can only give you my religious believe as detailed above rather than empirical or scientific reasons that non Muslims prefer. In the end, my message is clear. I believe that Islam is a religion of peace and that the claim that killings or any other negativity done is in the name of Islam is total and utter nonsense. ISIS have wrongfully use Islam as a reason. I also believe Israel, or Zionist, is the biggest terrorists ever in the history of mankind. The USA is unfortunately marked as a terrorist as well given their support for Israel. That is what I feel. In addition to my long explanation, here (below) is the reference to the prediction of the rise of ISIS as prophesised by Prophet Muhammad, and do watch "The Crisis of ISIS: A Prophetic Prediction | Sermon by Hamza Yusuf" on YouTube - https://youtu.be/hJo4B-yaxfk:
"If you see the black flags, then remain on the ground and do not move a hand or a leg. A group of feeble folk to whom no concern is given will then appear - their hearts are like iron [1]. They are the owners of the state [2]. They fulfill neither a contract nor a covenant [3]. They call to the truth, but they are not its people [4]. Their names are a kuniya and their lineage (surnames) are a town [5]. Their hair is unwinding, like the hair of a women [6]. (Do this) until they differ in it between themselves, then Allah will give the right to whomever HE desires." - Prophet Muhammad, as narrated by Ali ibn abi Talib, in the collection Kitaab Al Fitan by Nu’am bin Hammad, Hadith # 557
* kopihangtuah
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