
Recently I saw a comment on a Facebook status of a friend whose name I shall not mention for obvious reason. It said:
"We (Malaysians) should probably agree that our creative industry do not have big talents particularly in literature, filming, theatre or even music. We are insignificant in the whole scheme of things relative to other countries (as far as creative industry in concerned)."
How can we have such conclusion? Do we have any basis to support that conclusion in the first place? Without even being a nasionalist patriot and acting biased as a Malaysia, I sincerely believe that the statement lack realisation. We need to open our eyes and start realising and give credit to those Malaysians who have achieved world recognition. Naturally, based on the limited knowledge that I have (but sufficient), I responded by giving my comment for that particular facebook status as follows:
"Bro. Before making such conclusion, give yourself a chance. Go to Artcube Gallery at Intermark now showcasing Malaysian artists at world standard and go watch theatre at KLPAC this week entitled Sinbad. You must go to some shows at Istana Budaya as well. Our Mah Merri Orang Asli wood carvings at Pulau Carrie has achieved Unesco heritage recognition recently. Our fashion designers at international level includes Dato' Zhantoi, Dato' Jimmy Choo, Melinda Looi, Khoon Hooi, etc. Our Dato' Ramli Ibrahim won highest award in India for cultural contribution via India traditional dances. Miss Yuna now marketing her music recordings in the whole of USA. Our sessionist musicians like does recording outside Malaysia, mostly in Indonesia. Buku Fixi, an independent book publisher just won publishing awards in England this week. War of the Worlds Goliath, a 3D stereoscopic animation movie produced by a Malaysian company, Tripod, now hitting retail stores in the USA. Many Malaysian animation companies are doing work for Japanese production houses but people don't know. Cakrasonic, a local Indian rapper is big in India. The Malaysians who were in Rhythm & Hues Malaysia stationed in Cyberjaya did 40% of Life of Pi (the tiger) and 60% of Snow White and the Huntsman. Suhaimi Fadzil and his contemporary artworks got selected by Saatchi MNC in London and now has studio in the USA. Sooshie Sulaiman and her art installation got highest fine arts awards at Documenta Germany, the equivalent of the Grammys but for art. Umi Baizurah and her sculptures gets Singapore recognition. Muthalib and his metal sculptures now erected at the Olympic Stadium in Beijing. Perfect Colour has the first global technology to do film colourisation using semi-automatic programming. Many more successes (Malaysians) can be mentioned but what I have stated so far will suffice. All that (successes) were achieved just within the past couple of years and hence, is pretty damn good for a country of 30 million population don't you think?"
I hope with my comments above other Malaysians will start to feel more positive in supporting our own people especially when they have indeed proven that they, or Malaysians, are capable of competing globally. We are only destroying our own country when we ourselves do not believe in our own country.

* kopihangtuah
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