Title: Chariots of the Gods
Author: Erich Von Daniken
Genre: Fiction/History/Science
ISBN: 978-0-425-16680-2
Publisher: Berkley Publishing
Year: 1969
... aliens came down to Earth and reproduced hybrid beings when mating with humans on the Earth. With that, biologically, the superior DNA expanded into human race which explains why we, humans, are now able to build rockets, computers, nuclear bombs and what not?? Fuhhh!!!! Erich Von Daniken must have been on some kind of drug!
ho are we? Where do we come from? These questions have been haunting humans for ages. Many find comfort in biblical stories be it monotheists such as Islam, Christianity and Judaism or other major religions such as Buddhist, Hindu, Shinto or even Scientology. Free thinkers and Athiests on the back of scientific discoveries have also find their way into explaining their versions of answers to those questions. Everyone is in search for the truth. Some requires tangible imperical evidence. Some rely strongly on faith. Whatever the answer is, if there is one, one thing is for sure, we are lonely in this universe.
Erich Von Daniken attempts to provide such answers from his analysis of historical facts and archaeological findings. He preached that humans should consider all possibilities in searching for the answer. In his book, Chariots of Gods, he believes that the deities we call Gods are highly probable to have been aliens from other planets in other solar systems beyond our reach (so far as the current technology is applied). I find it rather amusing when he himself dismissed such conclusion when the one other possible explanation was not considered, i.e. That God is in fact God anyway. Obviously he himself did not consider all possibilities? In any case, this book provides good reading. An entertainment value, but I suggest shouldn't be taken seriously. Some of his thoughts or findings are as follows:
Astronomer Harlow Shapley estimates that there are some 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 (10^20) stars within the range of our telescopes. Let's say only 1 in every 1,000 stars have the necessary conditions for life. That'll reduce the population to 100,000,000,000,000 (10^14). What if we reduce further for another 1 every 1,000 with atmosphere suitable for life to develop? Then out of that, 1 for every 1,000 actually did produce life. That'll make the population down to 100,000,000. Let's say that 1 every 1,000 actually developed far earlier than planet Earth, which means, the'd be around 100,000 planets that may have life that is far more superior than humans in its intelligence. Let's say only 1 out of 1,000 advanced their technology to travel the universe - We are now down to 100. Surely any one of these hundred creatures would have stumbled upon Earth in their voyage. To increase the chances back to astronomical figures, what if life out there does not necessarily need the conditions that exist on Earth for it to flourish? What if other beings can actually exist breathing other gases rather than oxygen? The point is, are we alone in this vast universe? Surely there are others like us, or if not like us, they exist nonetheless.
There have been many accounts of beings far more superior than humans that visited the Earth. They appear in historical ancient texts, records/drawings on the wall and even passed down from generations to generations in the form of legends. Those days, thousands of years ago, humans were primitive. When they see an advanced being from other planets, they can easily conclude that these visitors are Gods. Gods who travelled in huge space ships and able to destroy man from their weapons of high energy. What if the modern humans were the ones who actually found another planet with life that is less advanced than us? Would they (those aliens) then take us as Gods? Why? Because we'd show them miracles. We'd show them that we can fly in our rockets. We'd show them we can scream really loud until their ears cannot take it (via amplifiers) and we'd show them that we can detroy them if they don't obey our requests (via demonstration of nuclear explosions). Now, flip that and imagine what other more advanced being who visited Earth may have done to humans when humans were primitive thousands of years ago. Out of respect (or fear) of such advanced beings, humans enslaved themselves to build great monuments such as the Pyramids, which demonstrate magnificent engineering, illogical to have existed thousands of years ago.
There are many artifacts that can suggest that a far more superior beings may have visited Earth to download advanced technologies to humans which may not have mean anything to humans back then but make sense now in the modern era. For example, the ancient city of Nazca in Peru that contains a strips of level ground some 37 miles long and 1 mile wide. These geometrically laid out gigantic lines are believed (by scientisist and historians) to be roads. Now why would you need roads of that size back then? Could it have been for gigantic vehicles used by visitors from other world? Rockets and space ships perhaps? Even if the people of pre-Inca that inhabited Nazca had such perfect surveying techniques to create such huge perfect lines, what purpose did the lines at Nazca serve? Maybe they were sending a message to Gods (aliens): "Land here! Everything has been prepared as you ordered"?
There are many inadmissable questions that would strengthen the hypothesis of an advanced being visiting Earth. For example, what would you say if there is a calendar that existed thousands of years ago which gave the precise timing of the 4 seasons, positions of the moon and rotation of the Earth? The calendar exists! found in the dry mud at Tiahuanaco. It is called the Virachoca Calendar. There are loads of other ancient technologies that, ironically, only makes sense to humans in the modern era. How did these humans, thousands of years ago, get these knowledge and technologies? They must have had teachers, visitors, or in their recordings, Gods. Some of the other equally astonishing examples are:
(1) Ancient Egyptians cut crystals which can only be done using electro-chemical technology today;
(2) Ancient equipment which scientists believe to have been an electric dry battery, which work on galvanic principle, are now on display at Baghdad Museum;
(3) In the Asian mountains of Kohistan, there is a cave with ancient drawings that reproduces the exact position of the stars as they actually were 10,000 years ago (i.e. Venus and Earth joined by lines);
(4) Ancient ornaments of smelted platinum were found on the Peruvian plateau;
(5) Parts of a belt made of aluminium lay in an ancient grave at Yungjen, China;
(6) At Delhi there is an ancient pillar made of iron that is not destroyed by phosphorus. sulphur, or the effects of the weather - (Ashokan pillar - see photo)
(7) The Mayas left behind a fantastic calendar that had already acknowledge the terrestrial year at 365.2420 days which is super accurate considering our current latest calculation by modern scientists is 365.2422!!!
(8) An ancient map found in Istanbul, which was used by Admiral Piri Reis, demonstrated that the map of the world must have been drawn from a vision of the Earth from a very high altitude such as from a satellite in the orbit (i.e. the curious elongated shape of the Americas is particularly striking)
Biblical texts also have hints of such "visitors". For example, Genesis 6:4 says "There were giants in the Earth those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown". What the hell!! it pretty much sound like aliens came down to Earth and reproduced hybrid beings when mating with humans on the Earth. With that, biologically, the superior DNA expanded into human race which explains why we, humans, are now able to build rockets, computers, nuclear bombs and what not?? Fuhhh!!!! Erich Von Daniken must have been on some kind of drug. What is more interesting is that such idea also appears in ancient texts or mythology of other groups of people such as Tiahuanaco, Eskimos, Hebrew and of course, the infamous mythology of the Greeks. Erich very much equated Gods and His angels and prophets to aliens from far more advanced civilisation of the universe. So, is he suggesting that Noah got an engineering blueprint from an alien to build an ark? or Moses may have in fact built a radio transistor when he was building the Ark of the Covenant which explains how God (alien) communicated with him? Erich went further to suggest that prophets like Muhammad, Gautama Buddha and Jesus Christ are highly probable to have been aliens or hybrid aliens-humans. Oh yeah... he (Erich) was on some kind of drug definitely!
It is incredible that the chronicles of the Mahabrata, the Bible, the Epic of Gilgamesh, the texts of the Eskimos, the American Indians, the Scandinavians, the Tibetans, and many, many other sources tell the same stories - of flying "gods", strange heavenly vehicles
To be fair, Erich also has some questions which we may also find compelled to think about: What are the Eskimos doing talking about metal birds that brought them to the North? Why do the Indians mention thunderbirds who introduced fire? How are the ancestors of the Mayas supposed to have known that the Earth is round and recognised the 4 cardinal points of the compass in their Popol Vuh legend? It is incredible that the chronicles of the Mahabrata, the Bible, the Epic of Gilgamesh, the texts of the Eskimos, the American Indians, the Scandinavians, the Tibetans, and many, many other sources tell the same stories - of flying "gods", strange heavenly vehicles, and the frightful catastrophes connected with these apparitions - by chance and without any foundation other than on the basis of faith and religion. Perhaps, as I mentioned earlier, Erich should consider that these miracles were indeed from God Himself via His angels and prophets?

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