
Title: An Inconvenient Truth
Type: Documentary
Focus: Save the Planet
Year: 2006
Length: 1 hour 36 minutes
Host: Al Gore
Producers: Laurie David, Lawrence Bender & Scott Z. Burns
Association with: Paramount Classics
Directors: Davis Guggenheim

"This (global warming) is not a political issue. This is a moral issue. If not addressed, it is deeply unethical!"
Quotation by Al Gore in 2006
Let us start with the atmosphere. It is thickening because of the pollution. The heat from the sun via its infra red rays cannot escape the atmosphere when it is too thick. The heat gets trapped and accumulates surrounding Earth. This is what we call Green House Effect - the mechanism of global warming. How does the thickening happen? Well, naturally, Carbon Dioxide (CO2) gets absorbed by plants in their food-creation process. You take away those plants, you take away the primary cleaner for CO2.

We discussed about heat level, ice level, storms, floods, wind, etc. There are also bio-habitatual effects. Changes in climate cause disruption to the natural ecology of the animal kingdom. Scientists in Netherlands studied the seasons for bird reproduction. In 1980 they recorded that the birds hatched in June coinciding with the hatching of caterpillars. As a result of the shift of the world climate, caterpillars seem to hatch earlier in April (2000 study), depriving those chicks of their natural food source. There are many more examples that are devastating. Heat rise improves survival rate of microrganism, increasing the number of new diseases. Both deprivation of food and introduction of new diseases are the recipe for extinction for some animals. One other impact worth mentioning is the bleaching of corals. A sad case really. I have covered this in my earlier blog Coral Armageddon: A Field of Skeleton

CO2 level is at the top of the list nowadays with the introduction of Kyoto Protocol. Our (humans) attemp to control carbon emmission is noble but many have not yet embrace this. If, as mentioned earlier, significant disasters flooding our lives just in the space of 50 to 100 years, we then do not have enough time. We must rectify in the immediate 50 to 100 years. Back to carbon emmission, who is the biggest culprit of all? Well, surprise, surprise,... the United States of America ranks #1 at 30% contribution to the world carbon emmission of 5.47 billion metric tonnes. China comes second, then Europe, Russia and Japan.
What do we need to do? We should reduce the use of oil and gas and increase the use of electricity that is more efficient. We need renewable energy - the likes of hydro. If this is to be the main driver to reduce carbon emmission and thus, help address global warming, we need the political will to enforce it. Do we have the political will? Politicians have a lot to lose when they derive significant income from oil producing ventures. Kyoto Protocol must be taken seriously. At the time this documentary was made, only 2 nations have not yet ratified their support for the protocol - Australia and the U.S.A. I hope by now they have.

You can reduce your carbon emmission to zero. Buy energy efficient appliances + lightbulbs. Change your thermostat (use clock thermostats). To reduce energy for heating + cooling, weatherise your house, increase insullation, get an energy audit and recycle. If you can, buy a hybrid car. When you can, walk or ride bicycles. Where you can, use light rail + mass transit. Tell your parents not to ruin the world that you live in. If you are a parent, join with your children to save the world they will live in. Switch to renewable sources of energy. Call your power company to see if they offer green energy. If they don't, ask them why not? Vote for leaders who pledge to solve this (global warming) crisis. Write to those leaders. If they don't listen, run for election. Plant trees, lots of trees. Speak up in your community. Call radio shows and write to newspapers. Insist to freeze CO2 emmissions + join international efforts to stop global warming. Reduce our dependence on oil. Help farmers grow alcohol fuels. Raising fuel economy standards require lower emmissions from automobiles. If you believe in prayers, pray the people will find the strength to change. In the words of the old African proverb "... when you pray, move your feet". Encourage everyone you know to see this documentary. Learn as much as you can about the climate crisis. Then put your knowledge into action.
"... when you pray, move your feet" An old African proverb

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