Post World-War period saw global growth of 5% per annum on the back of emerging economies such as Japan and the Asian Tigers ....

In the 1990's, Japan experienced a bubble burst. Its overhang of debts in the corporate fraternity necessitate government spending/assistance that in turn, increased government debts. A recipe for disaster that eventually chrystalised. During that period, the balance sheets needed to be adjusted. Hence interest rates kept at low levels to boost economy. This is a perfect example of an overheated economy. Will the other Asian countries, Malaysia included, follow the same foot step? I hope not. Careful management of the economy is therefore warranted. We ought to balance between government's responsibilities and corporate responsibilities.
What is the behaviour of the economy? From world economic perspective, there are the Super Cycles that mark the different economic era. Super Cycles are periods of long global economic growth. The first was believed to be between 1870 and 1913 where USA emerged as the world economic super power moving from 4th to 1st ranking economy that has pervasive impact to the rest of the world. The 2nd Super Cycle was from 1945 to 1970, a post World-War period that saw global growth of 5% per annum on the back of emerging economies (back then) such as Japan and the Asian Tigers as well as countries like India and Brazil, all accounted for a huge share of 75% globalisation of economy arising out of international trade. This happened following the strong trade flows between these regions with the rest of the world. A strength that insulated Asia from the global economy that was heavily relying on the USA (& Europe).
In 2010, the world economy only grew by 4.4% and further reduced to 3.8% for 2011 and expected to reduce further to 2.2% for 2012.

How is the European nation doing? Well, Europe, unlike its US counterpart, is trying to operate 17 countries with 1 currency, Euro. Cross border financial subsidy becomes a big issue. Whilst Greece, Spain and Portugal are forced to remain in European Union draining the financial resources, Germany, on the other hand, bleeds their coffers. Pretty worrying times (for the Germans) especially when money is channelled to support Greece that went through four years (2008 - 2011) of recession and potentially another 5 years to go until 2016. How do you manage an economy (Europe) when under single currency (Euro), different policies are required for the different component countries? Greece, Spain and Portugal need Euro to be devalued to boost their economy whereas German needs appreciation of the currency. A dilemma that haunts the Europeans in this present world with the syndrome of EMU, i.e. European Monetary Union renamed Even More Unemployment.
USA used to generate 400,000 jobs per month. Now down to around 200,000. Housing market in the US hit rock bottom and economic recovery is at a very slow pace. Salaries are growing slowly and tax reforms are badly required. Economists believe that USA will only see a growth of about 2%. A bad year for Obama and his administration.
(1) Made in China 1995-2005; (2) Bought in China 2005-2015; and (3) Paid in Renminbi 2015-2025

Let's talk about China. They are in their twelfth 5-year plan of boosting consumption, social spending and green economy. With such vast resources and optimistic plan, it will become difficult to manage. Will the Japanese bubble burst recur in China? The risk is there and indicators are apparent. Overheated? Well, as a start, 48% of its Gross Domestic Products are fuelled by investment activities. It is only natural that that is the case given the cheap financial resources flanked by leverage and warm expectations. Despite this bullish outlook, it may be dampened by the contracting property market.
So everyone is looking to the East now? Earlier I mentioned that the two Super Cycles were led by USA and Japan & Asian Tigers. The next Super Cycle is expected to be driven by China. China, with its over 1 billion population will have a significant economic impact to the world, if not real, at least psychologically. The craze over China seems to appear almost every decade changing its perspective to how it influences the world. Almost like Madonna releasing new musical concept every time she releases a new album. In this case, the titles of the album (for China) would sound more like: (1) Made in China 1995-2005; (2) Bought in China 2005-2015; and (3) Paid in Renminbi 2015-2025. A smooth world domination via economic psychology. A sleeping giant waking up. A closed market turned capitalists.
With the global growth expected at 2.2% for 2012, Malaysia is expected to show a growth of 2.7%

* kopihangtuah
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